Rise and Walk

Blog 3.28.2022          

Rise and Walk

It takes a newborn wildebeest less than 15 minutes to fully stand and be able to run after it is born… what a remarkable feat! That is primarily because that is the pace in the animal world… an animal needs to be able to run and move, or it will be lunch for someone else. The consequences are indeed life or death if a baby wildebeest doesn’t have or can’t acquire that skill of moving and walking. The fate of the herd rests on this ability. The herd must be able to move in case of danger, and there is little room for pausing to reflect on the miracle of life.

Meanwhile, humans take a lot longer to master the skills of running and locomotion, and by watching my boys mature, this developmental process is an observable fact. In comparison, human children are not equipped to be born and suddenly run and move. We were not designed for this, and our maturity in this period of life is more suited to gathering information with our big brains than just reacting to a world based on instinct. However, there are times when we are perhaps too cautious; we become paralyzed by the myriad of choices and are reluctant to move at all. 

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he would often heal those with debilitating conditions. These people we consigned to a life of immobility and stagnation. All that they desired was the ability to move. One narrative captures this well, giving us something else to ponder. 

Luke 5:18-26 
“And behold, some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, and they were seeking to bring him in and lay him before Jesus, 19 but finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus. 20 And when he saw their faith, he said, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.” 21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to question, saying, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” 22 When Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answered them, “Why do you question in your hearts? 23 Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk’? 24 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” –he said to the man who was paralyzed–“I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home.” 25 And immediately he rose up before them and picked up what he had been lying on and went home, glorifying God. 26 And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, “We have seen extraordinary things today.”

Wrapped up in this fantastic display of Jesus’ power, the power not only to heal but to also forgive sin, is this paralyzed man. We often highlight the faith of this man’s friends who cut a hole in the roof and lowered their friend to the ground. However, the man’s faith is remarkable too. Jesus utters those fateful words, “I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home.” And this paralyzed man immediately picks up the mat that he had been lying on and leaves. This man gets on with living. He doesn’t question Jesus’ authority like the Pharisees did. He doesn’t ponder if he will be able to stand or argue that it is a medical improbability. Instead, this now healed man rises to his feet and goes home. All the while, he is glorifying God with his newfound mobility. 

For many of us, we have never had to think about how terrible life would be if we were immobile. It is such a foreign concept it doesn’t even cross our minds. We take it for granted, and even when we are hobbled for any amount of time, we think more about our pain than about our ability to continue moving around. Yet, in this narrative, a man has seen both sides and is overjoyed at what has transpired. The more liberating part and something that we should identify with is that this man’s sins were also forgiven. That is the more significant miracle; this is the part that the Pharisees struggled with accepting. 

This is what we should recognize. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we have seen both sides of this situation. We were once sinners, and now our sins have been forgiven. Yet, unlike this man, we continue to wallow in our former lives. It would be like Jesus telling this formerly paralyzed person to get up and have him respond by saying, “No, I rather like lying on the ground.” It wouldn’t make sense. So instead, our lives should echo Paul’s words as he writes, “We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” (Romans 6:2)

Let’s be like the formerly paralyzed man and cast off the old way of living. But, let us also be like the wildebeest and not delay getting moving. Our lives have been eternally changed; we should recognize that fact and be excited about new possibilities and opportunities. So, let’s rise and walk. 

It’s Not Fair

Blog 3.21.2022    

It’s Not Fair

Theo has picked up and passed on a new phrase to his impressionable younger brother. This phrase seems to be an all-encompassing thought whenever things are not going the way they want. There are even many times that this term is misused. The magical words these boys like to utter are, “It’s not fair!” The other day, I asked Theo to pick up his toys that he had carelessly scattered around the floor; he retorted, “It’s not fair!” I asked him why that wasn’t fair and who he thought should clean them up since he made the mess and they were his toys. He pondered that and replied, “It’s not fair because I don’t like it.” To Theo, fair means good, and unfair means bad. However, this is not an accurate picture of fairness. 

Isn’t this human nature? We ascribe our fairness scale not on the overall situation but rather on how the situation affects us. If things are not going our way, we cry out that it is not fair. It reminds me of Jesus’ teaching concerning the overall justice of God. Matthew 5:45 [God] causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Imagine a world where there was a variation to this passage, that the sun only rose on the good, and rain only descended on the evil or any other combination you can fathom. This would be a terribly inconsistent world that would be chaotic for all its inhabitants. Indeed, we would like to live in an idealized environment that only benefits us; however, what would become of those around us? Even our own lives require the balance of rain and sunshine; we need both sun and water for life to be sustained. Therefore, God did the most judicious thing and created a consistent world concerning all of His creation. 

But what about the problem of evil in this world? Doesn’t the fact that people with evil motives and intentions exist to make it more difficult and unfair for those around them. Aren’t there people who suffer needlessly at the hands of the bad people in this world? What are we to do about those unfair situations? The answer is provided within the greater context of that previous verse. 

 Matthew 5:43-48 –
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

If you want to make the world more equitable and fairer, we do it by dealing with everyone equally. Not just the good and those who are similar to us. We achieve the perfection of God by loving those who are godless and against us. The unfairness of the world is due to people mistreating each other. Jesus asked his followers to break that cycle and love those persecuting them. This happens on an individual level with everyone we come across. Look at Jesus’ words “if you greet,” signifying a personal association with them. This is one of the more challenging aspects of being a Christian, loving our persecutors; however, it is the example that God has set before us. 

Ephesians 2:3-5 – 
 “All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. 4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions–it is by grace you have been saved.”

The fair thing would be to give us all what we deserved, the wrath of God. However, because of God’s great love for us, we have been spared this appropriate end to our existence. It is easy to think that we all “deserved” grace, but it ceases to be grace. It is easy to feel that we deserve sunshine or rain more than someone else, but that is not just and fair. Many things in life are unfair; however, God is always perfectly just. It is because of God’s justice that Jesus had to be the payment for our sins. 1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit. Therefore, we have the Christian paradox that God’s justice was satisfied in Jesus so that we benefit unfairly. Because something is unfair does not mean it is bad. We were justified by Christ’s sacrifice, which is unfair, but it is to our advantage, and that is why we call it grace. Our reality is underserved, so we are also loving and kind to undeserving people because that is the example that we have been given. So we should be thankful that life is not always fair.

Don’t Give the Devil An Opportunity

Blog 3.14.21

Don’t Give the Devil an Opportunity

In the continuing saga of my lawn and the dreaded infestation of crabgrass, I got a call from Dan Hart. Dan knew of my situation last year while it was happening; he commiserated how difficult it was for him to eradicate that terrible weed. His neighbors had declared his lawn hopeless, but he found the secret. The secret was why he was calling me; he wanted to make sure I was going through the appropriate steps and that I, too, could be successful in eliminating the noxious weed from my yard. Dan told me the trick was to make sure that I was applying pre-emergent before the weed ever takes root and that I should do it as soon as possible. Because crabgrass is so invasive, it has to be treated when it is a tiny little seed and in a more vulnerable stage. Then as l digested this information, during our church spring cleaning workday, I saw Rod Webring spreading a pre-emergent throughout the planter beds. He agreed that this was the best way to stop weeds from ever popping up. So, when you hear the same advice from two elders, it is a solid practice to implement.

In his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul gives his readers a description of living for Jesus. He describes it as a new way of living and that it will require some changes for each person to make.

Ephesians 4:20-27
“But you have not so learned Christ, 21 if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: 22 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. 25 Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. 26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil.”

In this list of changes, Paul closes with the appeal to not give the devil an opportunity. Quite literally, he says not to give the devil a place. Don’t allow an opportunity for the devil in our lives may seem like a straightforward instruction; however, it is one that we execute poorly. We make these minor concessions to certain vices or attitudes of the world, imagining there will be no harm in allowing these little contrivances. Yet they wreak havoc on our spiritual well-being. It reminds me of one of Jesus’ teachings concerning unclean spirits.

Matthew 12:43-45
“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

We often correctly dispose of the wickedness in our lives; however, we don’t fill it up with something beneficial. In Jesus’ discourse, he states that the unclean spirit leaves and then eventually returns sevenfold stronger to a place that has been left unoccupied. Being overpowered by the evil in our lives is a sad state for anyone to fall into; yet, it can happen to each one of us. We make a place for the devil to come in a make a home. We don’t do this intentionally; however, it happens out of negligence or complacency.

Filling our lives with good things is similar to a lawn; the first step is tackling the weeds before they take root. Once that is accomplished, the best thing a homeowner can do is maintain a healthy lawn. A thick and dense lawn will naturally keep out most nuisance weeds. This is an excellent reminder to strengthen our lives founded in Christ continually. Unfortunately, it is easy to let parts of our lives grow undeveloped or even uncultivated. If we don’t maintain a Christ-centered life, spiritual weeds can start spreading, and then it becomes difficult to rid our lives of these areas that have been prepared for weakness and vices. Therefore, don’t prepare a place for the devil in our lives; address evil before it ever takes root.


Blog 3.7.2022

Growing like Weeds

This past year I had a terrible infestation of Digitaria ischaemum in my lawn. Digitaria ischaemum is the scientific name for crabgrass. There are several problems with crabgrass. First, once it grows, it is not pleasing to the eye. It is not comfortable to walk on; thirdly, it is pervasive and invasive, spreading throughout a lawn very quickly. Finally, the most troublesome issue is that it is resilient and difficult to exterminate. I tried every feasible method to get rid of it. Still, to no avail, the grass-weed kept enduring happily in my yard, propelled by the summer sun and dry climate. That was until late fall; at that time, the days became shorter and the nights colder, and thankfully that weed was the first plant that began to wither. All of the time and effort that I put into eradicating that pest was fatefully accomplished within a few days by the turning of the seasons orchestrated by God’s masterful design.

This whole ordeal reminds me of Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the tares (weeds) recorded in Matthew 13.

Matthew 13:24-30
“He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, 25 but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. 26 So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. 27 And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

I, too, felt like the people in this parable stating, “Did I not have good seed in my lawn?” The explanation of the parable (Matthew 13:36-43) gives us some further insight into the meaning of the parable. These “weeds” belong to the evil one, and they cause harm and ill-intent for those around them. They are pervasive, resilient, and difficult to overcome. You cannot pull these weeds up, or they will cause even more harm to those around them. The parable lays out the ideal methodology of dealing with them… is waiting until the end. These weeds have their season, and it is up to the good plants to outlast them. In 1 Timothy, we are implored to endure “The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful– for he cannot deny himself” (2 Timothy 2:11-13). Even though the weeds might be absorbing the nutrients and blocking out the sun, we must endure and survive the season of weeds. Endurance is the mark of faithful people, maintaining that faith throughout the most challenging of circumstances. Therefore, we wait on God’s perfect timing and become resolute to outlast the evils that persist around us. Much like the weeds in my lawn, there was very little I could do about weeds that were already there- they may have won the battle- but they would not win the war. I had to stay strong and allow God to do His work in my sphere of life.

One final thought on weeds, the world we live in is an ideal climate for weeds to grow, but it is also the perfect climate for my faith to be made stronger. If I am waiting for God and His timing, isn’t that the fulfillment of my faith? Enduring among the weeds requires me to trust God, and trusting God is a blessing. Therefore, I should count myself blessed to persevere, even in the most treacherous of times, because it is an expression of my faith. It may seem counterintuitive, and although we would like to live in a weed-free world, having weeds creates opportunities to endure and allows our faith to grow.

While we live in the season of weeds, let us be patient, wait on God’s timing, and endure as we prove our faith in God and His perfection. 

Pray For Your Enemies

Blog 2.28.2022

Pray For Your Enemies

Birds of a feather… we all like to gather in groups that are similar to us. It provides us comfort and reduces the chance of possible conflict. We typically do this without recognizing that we do it; we find people in similar life stages, hobbies, or even just people that look like us. Studies have shown that it is a subconscious process, and most school-aged children do it instinctively. We find people that we have things in common with, and we make them “our people.” We create these imaginary lines of in-groups versus out-groups and create an “us versus them” mentality with every social interaction.

Along these lines, war is unequaled in its polarization; it can emphasize the viciousness and heroism of humans. Those distinctions lay mainly on the viewpoint of who you align with within the conflict. From any given vantage point, someone can be the hero or the villain; often, those terms are simultaneously accurate. Count yourself blessed if you have never had to wonder if you are the hero or the villain of the story. The distinction of “friend” or “foe” depends solely on which uniform you put on that morning. We all like to imagine that we are the good guys, and everyone else is the evil, vile opposition. We announce our attributes and demonize the opponent. In this process, we often dehumanize the enemy because how could someone be so evil that they could fight against the side I support. It brings this realization to the forefront of my mind that regardless of the side you stand on: Every person has the capacity for great good or great evil; and when you realize that, you realize that no one is truly good (“Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good”- Matthew 19:17)

One example from history highlights this concept well for me. During the Great War (WWI), only five months into that struggle, an event surpassed comprehension. Historians called it the Christmas Truce, and it occurred on Christmas day 1914. The forces gathered there participated in an informal cease-fire throughout the Western Front. Both sides fixed in horrific trench warfare just the day prior, put down their weapons of battle, and engaged in holiday celebrations and even gift-giving. Another remarkable event is that British and German soldiers participated in singing Christmas carols together during this cease-fire! One German office put it this way, “How marvelously wonderful, yet how strange it was. The English officers felt the same way about it. Thus Christmas, the celebration of Love, managed to bring mortal enemies together as friends for a time” (German Lieutenant Kurt Zehmisch). During this terrible time in history, people gathered together to praise the birth of Jesus, the same Savior that we worship every day.

Why do I share this story? Because we like to segregate and separate into groups. We want to imagine that we are better than those around us, especially those who stand opposed to us. That we are the heroes and they are the villains. That somehow, we have some quality that elevates us above everyone else. The reality is that no one is good; only God is good. The truth is we are all humans with the capacity for both good and evil. This is why the Gospel matters so much.

Romans 5:8-11 
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.”

We should keep in mind that, at one point, we were all enemies of God. Vile, wretched, enemies of the only One who is good. Perhaps that is why scripture instructs us to be prayerful and kind to our enemies.

  • Matthew 5:44- “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” 
  • Luke 6:27-28- “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
  • Romans 12:20- On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.”

We are not that different from our enemies; we are more alike than you might care to think. Whether we want to recognize it or not, we are all created in God’s image. We were all placed at the pinnacle of God’s creation, and… we are all sinners. When we were enemies of God, He was willing to love us and die for us. Not because we were the same or even morally aligned, but because we needed it. God loved and died for us because we were enemies, not because we were friends.

Many people are declaring that we should “Pray for Ukraine,” and rightfully so, they need a physical deliverance from certain harm; and God has the power to effect real change in this terrible situation. But we also pray for the “enemy” because only God can change a heart. Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. We pray for the worst in humanity because we are not different from them. We pray for our enemies because only God can change their hearts, and that is where actual change can happen. We pray for peace because that preserves all image-bearers of God. And we love our enemies because God loved and died for us while we were still opposed to Him.

Romans 5:8 
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Keep Striving

Keep Striving

Our youngest boy, Milo, is difficult to contain, persistent, and unstoppable. Between the ages of 12-18 months, children become intrepid explorers. This phase of a child’s life is exhilarating, but it is exhausting and exasperating for safety-conscious parents. For Milo, there isn’t an obstacle or challenge that is too lofty or intimidating. Chairs, stairs, cabinets, bookshelves, and tables, if there is a furniture item in existence, Milo has tried to climb it and, through sheer determination, has conquered just about every inch of our house. Observing this leaves me with a feeling of amazement at the human spirit. The only thing that stops him is when Amanda or I redirect (physically pick him up) him from whatever task he is trying to master. However, another thought creeps into my mind, why do I give up so easily? When presented with a difficult challenge, why do I stop when the going gets tough? When did you stop striving… when did you start settling?

Philippians 3:12-14 – 

 “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Paul writes the book of Philippians enduring his prison sentence in Rome; it is also towards the end of life. Even though he is bearing his share of hardships, he wants to help the church in Philippi. Paul encourages the church in Philippi to keep going. However, the words that he chose convey a stronger emphasis than “keep going” Paul uses the word ἐπεκτείνομαι epekteínomai- to stretch (oneself) forward, to reach forth. This idea of straining, or stretching, should inspire us. It is the notion of pushing ourselves to the next level. This should create a mental picture of someone aspiring to reach something just out of their grasp. 

As he moves throughout our house, Milo is not satisfied with being a rug rat. He is not happy merely cruising from point A to B. He wants to achieve and climb; in his exploration, he pushes every boundary and never settles for the status quo. We also observe this in the mentality of Paul. He does not live in the notion that he has already arrived at the destination. Instead, Paul is stretching and striving for whatever lies ahead. He writes that this involves forgetting what was behind. It is easy to rest on our achievements and accomplishments, and for Paul, that is something that certainly could have happened. However, He chose to keep striving and pressing onto that goal of an eternal home. 

Our striving does not mean that our spiritual existence is bound by what we accomplish on this earth. Rather, as Paul states, Jesus has already taken hold of it for us, now we are merely striving for what Jesus has already accomplished. Jesus has secured the prize; therefore, we should take it as a relief and a challenge to keep moving forward. We should imitate Paul, pressing on to win the award, not for our recognition and achievement, but because that is what God has called us to do. 

It is not easy to daily live out and profess our beliefs. It is easy to give up and stop pushing ourselves. Perhaps we feel as though we have arrived or that we have served our purpose. Momentary setbacks have caused us to stay grounded, and we refuse to keep trying. We have grown comfortable and complacent. This is our reminder to keep striving, stretching, and pressing on, contending for our faith. Let us not be satisfied with where we have been or what we have done. I encourage you to keep striving because of what Jesus did for you.  

Love First

Blog 2.14.2022

Love First

February 14 is a tricky day. For some, it is a day to exhibit a grandiose spectacle of adoration for another person; and for others, it is a day that lives in infamy. While I would wager to guess that for 90% of us, we fall somewhere between these two extremes. How you feel about the day is not where the uncertainty lies, the hard part about Valentine’s Day is knowing how your significant other wishes to observe the day. There are two options, have a conversation outlining expectations, or you have to know your partner well enough to make that determination. Because people are inconsistent, I always recommend having a conversation; regardless of what is said, do something meaningful to represent that love: a handwritten note or a walk down memory lane are good places to start and end reminiscing about a relationship. The tactics listed above are not without flaws; some may not appreciate what is offered. Some individuals may say they do not want to celebrate in any fashion while secretly hoping for any gesture of affection, large or small. That is why I suggest always doing something.

Looking at scripture, I see this principle observed. God loves us more thoroughly than we realize. God also knows humanity better than we know ourselves. He is our creator, and He searches our thoughts and hearts. You would imagine that gestures of love would not be an issue; however, humans are fickle, inconsistent beings. We say we want to be loved but reject all forms of love. We say we don’t want others to make a big deal about us, and then we grumble when no one notices us. Our words, thoughts, and actions rarely align on the subject of love. That is why I am thankful that God is greater than our hearts (1 John 3:20). But perhaps the best way to navigate this complicated pseudo-holiday is by loving first.

1 John 4:19
“We love because he first loved us.”

This is the pinnacle of love. God knew that we struggle with love. Recognizing love, receiving love, and especially expressing love; so, He did the inconceivable, He loved us first. Humanity would have balked at the idea of a gesture so grand and amazing, retorting, “No, you don’t have to do anything; we are good just the way we are.” We would have dismissed any displays of affection, rejecting the source and author of love. Perhaps we would have said, “I like what you gave me last year; I mean the earth and everything in is so nice, you don’t have to do anything else.” God knew better, He knew we needed His love, and the love we needed required a demonstration so monumental that we could not ignore it. We cannot overlook that the sacrifice also restores our relationship to God and is wrapped up in this demonstration of love. This incredible act of love is what draws us closer to God and allows us to have a relationship with Him. We are so inept at love that God made the This is how much we needed God’s love, pay for our iniquities, and pave the way for us to dwell in the love that can only come from Him.

This supreme example of love has another advantage; it allows us to comprehend love and give it to others.

1 John 4:7-12
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”

Love is complex; it may be too lofty for us to fully understand. This is the wonderfulness of God’s love. In this passage, we perceive the very nature of God; in this passage, love is demonstrated perfectly. The sending and sacrifice of Jesus provided the complete definition of love, giving practicality to a complex concept. Through this passage, we learn a few things. First, love is from God; it is a divine quality granted to us. Second, we perform love through actions; God’s love sent Jesus into the world. This example also shows that love is sacrificial. Third, love is enduring; it does not stop with us; therefore, we should pass it on to others. If we choose not to love, the love we do have is incomplete and imperfect. On a day we remember to love, let’s bring these concepts into reality. Let us write little notes showing that we care. Let us be the first to say how much we love someone else; let us live out our love through actions giving up our own comforts for the benefit of others.

Let us love first, through our actions, sacrificially, enduringly, and how God first loved us.

Be Especially Good

Blog 2.7.2022

Be Especially Good

I saw this sign today: “The world is short staffed- PLEASE- be kind to those that showed up.” We have all been through a tumultuous two years, and many people are at their breaking point. However, there is something about this sign that shocks me. I am not an economist, so I will not comment on the current economy or the apparent labor shortages. I will not even comment on whether or not this is an accurate statement- however, from my observations, there appears to be a staffing shortage wherever I look. What strikes me as peculiar is that we now post signs encouraging the common decency of kindness to those who are serving us. Not only does our current society require a placard indication we should be kind, but the sign even justifies why we should be kind. I am not sure if this sign speaks more to our short attention span and our need for immediate gratification; or if it addresses our current lack of care for others. This sign is representative of the ugliness that we see every day.

When we feel we have been wronged, it becomes easy to do wrong to others. This is part of the problem that is beginning to surface all around us. Nowadays, we all feel as though we have been wronged or mistreated, perhaps because we had to wait or because the last two years seem particularly unfair. We are tired and frustrated; we have become weary of doing the honorable and noble things. Likewise, the people around us have grown tired of doing good to others. This is why we need reminders throughout God’s word to encourage us not to give up. Galatians chapter 6 informs us how people who live by the Spirit should act, carrying each other’s burdens; part of this is doing what is good to those around us.  

Galatians 6:9-10 

 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

One of the major takeaways from this verse is that we should acknowledge that all of us can grow weary in doing good. When we are subjected to the fatigue caused by the world around us, it can become more difficult to do good to those around us. Some individuals will see this as an opportunity to give up and be rude or mean. They will refuse to show kindness and gentleness, limiting the grace they extend to others. Some will see that life is hard, and they will repay others with that same hardness that they have endured.

Not for those who live by the Spirit.

For those that live by the Spirit, we have a different calling. Christ called us to meekness, mercy, and peace (Matthew 5:5-9). These hallmarks are how we fulfill the law of Christ, a law written on our hearts. We, who live by the Spirit, do not grow weary in doing good. God’s word promises that we will gain a reward for not giving up and resorting to the ugliness of the world around us.

One final thought regarding this passage, Paul instructs his audience to extend this goodness to the “family of believers” specifically. This phrase makes me reflect on that sign, which asked its readers to “be kind to those who showed up.” For those that are present and choosing to stand against the desire to quit and give up; for those that have grown weary… be wonderfully kind. We all have this shared experience; it is hard to be a Christ-follower. We should be good, honorable, pleasant with everyone we interact with, and when we are interacting with a member of our family… we should be especially good toward them. Your fellow Christ-followers are showing up, so be good to them, show them the love, kindness, and grace that Christ has given to us. I can’t imagine how much better life would be if we did not grow wearing in doing good, specifically to the family of believers.  

**As I wrote this, there was a fatal active shooter event just a few miles away. A recent reminder of the evilness and ugliness that is in the world. An ever-present indication that we cannot grow weary in doing good. The time is always short, this world needs to know our Savior, which is the greatest good we can accomplish. **

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

It Goes By So Quickly

Blog 1.31.2022

It Goes by So Quickly

It was good to get away for a week. I am always intrigued by our perceptions of time passing. Leading up to our trip, Amanda and I were getting ready for our vacation, eager with anticipation for our time away. It would be our first vacation without our boys and our first significant vacation since 2020. We were dreaming of palm trees and warm beaches and the diminished responsibilities of work and parenthood for a few days. The months and days leading up to our excursion were filled with excitement as we planned out all the places we would eat and visit while on the island of Maui.

However, something interesting happened the moment our plane touched down. The realization that this trip would be temporary met us as we stepped off the plane. We were aware of this fact going into our trip, yet this notion became a reality that this trip was finite and fleeting. We only had seven days to do what we wanted, and time’s insistent marching became our adversary. You have two options when you realize this; you could sit and sulk in your hotel room, miserable that the time will soon be over—pouting that you didn’t have enough time to do everything you could imagine. Or, you can go and make the most of the time you have. The answer is obvious, you go and make the most of the time that you do have.

These realizations brought two passages, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 and Ephesians 5:15-16.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Ephesians 5:15-16 
“Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

When it comes to our life on earth, we must make the ultimate recognition that the time is temporary. Some may experience this concept with dread or sorrow, and some may welcome an end to their days; whether we like it or not, we do not inhabit this existence forever. Everything we endure and experience on this earth is short-term within the grand scheme of things. While we are here, our lives may seem short or long, passing or perpetual, and either fleeting or forever; we may even fluctuate between these thoughts daily. However, according to God’s word, our time on earth is only momentary. Some individuals may never adjust to this reality. They may groan and complain that there isn’t enough time or that some have more time than they do. Some may even try to extend their time as if they have any control over that statistic. It is like those travelers stuck in their hotel room wishing for more time yet never capitalizing on their present situation.

For the Christian, we are aware of the passing of time, but we observe that there is also a future eternal glory. Because of the resurrection of Christ, we know that our death is not the end of our existence. We grasp that there is something that is beyond the lives we are experiencing. And so, whether our time on earth is short or long, enjoyable or sorrowful, positive or negative, we know that there is a life to come. Paul spends most of 2 Corinthians chapter 4 discussing the hardships and difficulties in our mortal bodies (vv. 8-9), but he maintains his confidence in the life to come. Like unhappy tourists, we can begrudge the fact that our time will be over soon, or we can make the most of every opportunity. These opportunities are bound up in the supporting verses of 2 Corinthians 4:6 and Ephesians 5:8-13; these verses communicate that we are lights, and we become aware that there is only a finite amount of time to shine into the darkness. In Ephesians 5:16, Paul acknowledges that the days are evil, literally that “the days” are our adversaries. We recognize that both time and the maliciousness of this world are stacked against us; this doesn’t change anything about our circumstances. However, it is why we should make the most of every opportunity.

Because our time is short, let us make the most of every opportunity to live like lights in the darkness.

Wrong Motivations

Wrong Motivations

My, oh my. Dad is tired of the fighting. My kids have entered a new dimension of their relationship. They used to be two easy-going brothers. Sure, there were petty squabbles here and there, but for the most part, they just played nicely. However, lately, things have changed. It now seems they can’t interact for more than a few minutes before one of them is either telling the other to stop doing something, or they are tattling to Amanda or me, hoping we will intervene and sort out their problems. Amanda and I believe we have discerned the issue; not long ago, Cooper was complicit with everything his older brother Theo asked of him. Games they played and even the colors they were coloring were prescribed and chosen by Theo. Then Cooper began asserting his boundaries, informing his brother of his personality, which comes with his likes and dislikes. Here is an example conversation:


Theo: Let’s play dinosaurs!

Cooper: I don’t want to play dinosaurs.

Theo: Okay, you be the stegosaurs.

Cooper: I don’t want to play dinosaurs. 

Theo: Fine, you be the triceratops. 

Cooper: No, I don’t want to play, I want to color… 

Theo: Play!

Cooper: No!!!! 


The argument ensues, and both are left frustrated, upset, and mad at the other. Partially for not listening and being forced to do things they don’t want to do. As a parent, I know this is normal, and the boys are just adjusting to relationships formed in preferences and their independence. I get it, but I become wearied with the continual fighting.  

This fighting reminds me of a passage within the book of James, and he writes to those early disciples. James informs his readers to act differently; he also advises them why they are prone to such common fight-inducing tendencies.  

James 4:1-4 

 “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. 4 You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”

I appreciate the plain language of James. The motivations of these early disciples, and ourselves, are wrapped up in wrong intentions and selfish desires. There are so many things built upon us just wanting to get our way. We invent reasons why it is better for everyone if we get what we want. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we internally make statements like, “If people would just listen to me there wouldn’t be any problems.” Or, “It would be a lot smoother if people just did what I want.” Those statements are grounded in a ‘me first’ selfish mentality. 

James’ language is strong, and he conjures up thoughts of the first brothers, Cain and Abel. In that narrative, Cain doesn’t begin with evil intentions. We should regard Cain’s attempt of providing a God-pleasing sacrifice as noble but flawed; however, instead of adjusting his thoughts and attitudes, he believes it is easier to do away with the competition. Therefore, James mentions, “You desire but do not have, so you kill.” When we start to see the people around us as competition and obstacles, we are heading down a dangerous path. A mentality of “my way or the highway” does not produce beneficial results for each other. Only one person gets to be “right,” and the other person is left dealing with the suppression of their individuality. 

**Keep in mind these issues listed in James as personal desires. There are issues that we must stand our ground on; however, there should never be a one-sided conversation. We should be willing to hear each other out and discuss things as though we are adults and not children ages 2-4**

James’ guidance is simple, look at your desires; are they desiring what God wants or things of the world? Are you merely looking out for your interests and elevation of status? If you don’t get your way, are you willing to sever relationships and hate your brother/sister? We must also realize that James advises his readers that behaving in this way not only tarnishes our relationship with each other, starting fights and quarrels but creates a rift between God and us. James calls this rift adultery; we are forsaking the things of God for our desire to get what we want. This is a very dangerous mindset to have, so I encourage you, don’t behave like little children who fight and argue because they don’t get their way. Desire a much more excellent way (1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13).


Walk In the Son

Blog 1.10.2022

Walk in the Son

It has been over a month, but Milo is now walking; actually, it is more like running. He goes everywhere, and there is nothing that slows him down. When people see Milo, they are amazed at how well he motors around. For the longest time, Amanda and I knew Milo was capable of walking, but he wouldn’t take those fateful steps. We imagined he would be walking well before his first birthday, but he kept holding on to everything, literally holding on to couches, chairs, and our fingers. At one point, we acquired this baby-walker; it allowed him to cruise from place to place and generally be under his own power, with the steadying assistance of four wheels. After a month of him using this device, we started to notice that it was simply a crutch. He could walk fine, standing unsupported on his own, but he thought he still needed this walker to help him get from point A to point B. So, we took it away. Finally, he realized that he didn’t need that support, and in no time at all, Milo could move freely without taking this item with him. And he loved it, and his new found freedom was indeed liberating. 

I think of this concept of freedom and the hindrances of the world. We imagine there are these things that are granting us freedom, things like this plastic baby walker. Sure, we can move around, but we are always dragging this burden. It is cumbersome and awkward, but we feel it gives us security and that we need it. We have no idea that it is a crutch and slowing us down. These things seem like they grant us freedom, but we become bound to them; they control us. Jesus informs his listeners of this very fact, as he states: 

John 8:34-36 
“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

There is a false sense of liberty in sin, and holding on to damaging concepts confines us to a prison cell of ugliness. Maintaining concepts like anger, rage, malice, slander, lying, and even demeaning language (Colossians 3:8-9) becomes a crutch. We imagine this gives us independence, but it holds us back from true freedom. We think it gives us power over each other, and perhaps momentarily, it provides us with a sense of power, but we should realize sin controls us. These harmful concepts are all internalized; other things outside of our bodies can also direct us. Popularity, power, pleasure-seeking, and pride can also become our masters and rob us of our freedom; these were the more common downfalls of Israel’s background. David pens this liberating song about God’s deliverance from our pitfalls and hang-ups.

“May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. 2 May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. 3 May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings. 4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. 5 May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. 6 Now this I know: The LORD gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. 7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. 8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. 9 LORD, give victory to the king! Answer us when we call!”

                                                                    – Psalm 20:1-9 NIV  

Some trust in the strength of armies and human powers, but that is not where true strength comes from; true power comes from God. Pledging allegiance to other countries or even “powerful” concepts like anger and materialism only make you loyal and beholden to those entities. You might feel liberated when you yell at that guy who cut you off. Some imagine that money buys freedom, but that is not where true liberation endures. The release comes from realizing that these are only crutches. They are only holding you back. If you want to be free, let go of those crutches and walk in the Son. 

New Year – New You

Blog 1.3.2022

New Year – New You

Every year I end up thinking the same thing, “How can it be 20__ already?” The marking of time moves so swiftly it consistently amazes me how fleeting each minute, day, or year changes continually. We live as though time is our enemy; we are worried and concerned about how much time remains on our mortal clocks. Thoughts of adding more years to our time on earth consume our thoughts. We ask questions such as, “Are we eating right?” or “Am I taking the right vitamins?” These are good questions, and we should be taking care of our physical needs and not living haphazardly with our time on this temporal globe. For most of our lives, we want to scream at the clocks worldwide to stop counting and keep this ever-progressing time. Yet on one day of the year, we anticipate and gladly accept the clocks moving forward. No other day of the year do we shout the final 10 seconds of a year… except on New Year’s Eve.

It doesn’t matter if your last trip around the sun was enjoyable or regretful; we look forward to the opportunities of another year. If it was an agreeable year, we are hopeful that our next year will continue similarly. If our last year were appalling, we would anticipate the possibility of brighter days.

There is this thought that amuses me. We all know that shifting days of a calendar and even the progression from year to year is an artificial contrivance. Meaning both the day of the week and the year we are inhabiting are arbitrary to a great extent. We keep these dates so that the world is on the same temporal page, making life and interpersonal transactions more straightforward. We can know how old we are and make advanced scheduling appointments employing simple arithmetic.

From a Christian perspective, we also know that God exists outside of time and is not affected by it. We read passages like “To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:17 ESV), and “do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:8 ESV). Furthermore, the verses surrounding these statements suggest that time is for our benefit. God has been patient with humanity for this very purpose; strictly speaking, we needed time to figure things out and draw near Him. This helps me reframe how I perceive my existence; time is not a curse for humanity but an opportunity for me to live the way God intended.

Perhaps this is why we get excited every year for our calendars to roll forward, potential. It is the potential for things to get better, our potential to improve our own lives. People set resolutions to change themselves for the better, and a new year provides the marker for that to happen. However, most New Year resolutions fail after the first month because change is hard. And most of our resolutions are superficial and shallow, compared to the type of change required for a meaningful existence. It is no wonder that God is patient, and in His loving timelessness, He gives us ample occasions to transition to a fuller life.

Thoughts like this remind me of the rich, young man from Luke 18 and Jesus’ subsequent explanation of the conversation. Jesus asked this individual to make life-altering changes, and the man went away sorrowful. We have this passage recorded for us to contemplate, “Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?” 27 But [Jesus] said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18:26-27 ESV). The truth is these changes and resolving to be better will ultimately fail. We cannot change ourselves in this way. Repentance and salvation by my human ability will be an unending cycle of failure and disappointment. Thankfully God has paved a better way because nothing is impossible with God. The Bible informs us of two great benefits that God grants us on our spiritual transformation. 

Titus 3:4-7 ESV – “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”

God rescues us by His goodness and loving-kindness; by giving up His Son. Not only that, but we are being regenerated and renewed by that same power. If it were up to me, there would be no way for true change to happen. Like the rich young man, this would have been impossible. But for God, everything is within the realm of possibilities. So as we start a new year, think about having true significant change, a change that does not happen on your ability, but meaningful change happens by the power of God. Do not strive against that change, and allow the Spirit to produce within you the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Let this be the year of the new you.